Promotion: Step in The Ring
Date: Fri, May 31 2024 8:53 AM


Bismarck Amvets Tournament of Champions combines Tuesday (Fall) and Wednesday (Fall & Winter) leagues.

Top 2 players will earn a seat in the upcoming Step In The Ring Nat'l Championship (+10k chips) plus $200 travel vouchers.

Good luck players!


Top 2 players earn seats in Step in The Ring Nat'l Championship, where at least $50,000 in cash & prizes will be awarded, including the Top 3 players winning a $10,000 main event seat plus $2,500 cash. Nat'l Championship is slated for May 28th thru May 31st at the Golden Nugget in Las Vegas (Grand Ballroom).


Seats to the Nat'l Championship cannot be transferred. Winning player only. Other players who do not qualify are encouraged play last chance qualifiers in Vegas including the Bar Championship & Tag Team events, etc.

No Live Updates are available.
Small Blind Big Blind BB Ante
100 200
200 400
300 600
Short Break 10 Mins
400 800 800
500 1000 1000
800 1600 1600
Short Break 10 Mins
1000 2000 2000
1600 3200 3200
2000 4000 4000
Short Break Chip Up 10 Mins
4000 8000 8000
6000 12000 12000
10000 20000 20000