Register or Sign In
A Code will be sent to your mobile number and email address for verification.
FPN uses the information you provide to communicate directly with you regarding tournament updates, qualifications, and other relevant league information. You may select notification preferences and/or unsubscribe at any time.
Participate in FPN games knowing that each player is a true verified player! Login using your phone number and visit your profile to update preferences. Please note, a valid mailing address must be on your profile in order to receive physical prizes from the league such as League Champ and TOC Medallions, Travel Vouchers, and other prizes. Don't forget to also add your Tshirt size!
Registered players are eligible for rewards, prizes, and invites for playoff and additional qualifying tournaments! By registering one time, you’re able to play in any FPN participating games/leagues worldwide. Manage your FPN profile, get updates/notifications on leagues you participate in, see results, achievements and awards.
Once registered, your browser should remember you each time you visit the website. However, if you’ve been signed out for any reason, you need to simply enter your mobile number and the verification code sent to you. Be sure to complete your profile with contact information such as name/email. Also, update your profile pic!