Tony Sriracha Undoused

Congratulations to Tony Sriracha Ciaranca for taking down the 1st place spot in the final game of the Spring Quarter. Monday’s game was witness to one of the hardest downpours in recent local history; but the tempest was undoubtably aided by Tony’s tears and frustration at going completely card dead leading into the first break and lasting past the second. I’m sure Tony can attest that the one good thing about being card dead is that your chances of avoiding bad beats are significantly decreased. All joking aside, Tony came out of the second break and was pyrophoric, defeating Barry The Snake Gillen in heads up play. Congrats, my friend. Well played and well deserved.
As it turned out, the quarter came to an end the previous week. Tie-Dye Matt Darron needed a turnout of 25 players, a win, & Gutshot Gary not signing out in order to take first place for the quarter. With an attendance of 18 player, all other conditions were moot. Tie-Dye Matt and Gutshot Gary both earned a third stack in States. Gutshot Gary also earned a seat into Nationals in Vegas by winning the Quarter. He joins Tie-Dye Matt, Mark Third-Degree Burns, Stevo The Mad Trapper, and Steve Big Butt Bufflap in representing our 302 Poker Family. Congrats