The Supple Wrist of the Pinball Wizard

By Gary Lance | Jun 21, 2023 12:51 PM

Jim “The Pinball Wizard” Perugini defeated Edible Cavaciuti in heads-up play to take down the penultimate LoHo game of the Spring Quarter. From Soho down to Brighton, the two players engaged in a long chess-like battle to the finale; where Jim raised pre-flop from the button and Edible called. Flop came out 764, Edible bet, Jim Raised all-in, and Edible called. Jim tabled an over pair (KK) and Edible flipped over top two-pair (76). Turn was a blank (Q) and the river paired the board (4); giving Jim a better two-pair. Congrats on your first LoHo win, Jimbo.

With only one week remaining in the Spring Quarter, Gutshot Gary increased his lead over Tie-Dye Matt; who, in turn, increased his lead over 3rd placed, Evil Ed. Barring an abnormally high turnout, Gary and Matt have essentially clinched the top two spots in the quarter and two seats into our States Tournament this Fall.