The Microcosm

By Gary Lance | Jun 15, 2023 2:09 PM

With the Spring Quarter of the 100k promo quickly coming to a close, this weeks LoHo game had significant stakes on the line. Gutshot Gary Lance and Tie-Dye Matt Darron had a sizable lead over the field, with high hopes of maximizing an advantage over the other while not allowing a third party into the race. They achieved this by finishing the day in first and second place, respectively. With two weeks remaining in the quarter, it is effectively a two-horse race for the seat to Vegas, while some dark horses still remain in play for a seat in the States tourney. Everything is lining up for an exciting photo finish.

The game was shaping up to be one of our quickest games of the year. We formed the final table only a few hands after the first break. And players continued to drop until we were six-handed (top four signed out). That’s when the breaks were applied and sphincters tightened. Tee Bone Christopher amassed a significant chip lead, knocking out Rollercoaster Rachel Simpson. But the lead dwindled as the bubble burst. At this point, Gutshot Gary and Brayan Juicebox Estrada Rojas were co-chip leaders. Gary, on the button, foolishly tried to steal Matt’s big blind without considering Brayan in the small blind. Gary overbet the pot and Brayan snap-called. Gary turned over Kh7h and Brayan tabled Ad2d. Two deuces on the flop all but sealed the hand for Brayan and Gary was left with only 8.5k in chips (blinds were 1.5k/3k/3k). Next hand, Gary, in ATC-mode looks down to see 42 offsuit and decides to click out of ATC-mode. The next hand, Gary is dealt KK and doubles up through Tee. Gary then goes on a heater with max-aggression, betting or raising all-in for the majority of the next two rotation of the blinds. He eventually KO’s Tee…followed by Brayan…and faces Matt heads-up. With a significant chip lead and continued luck and aggression, Gary took down his third victory of the quarter.