On Your Marks, Get Set, Happy Birthday!!!

By Gary Lance | Apr 07, 2024 9:02 PM

Congratulations to Jonny Pederson taking the fist lead in the Desert Dash to Cash. Jonny outlasted a full house of 51 players, including four birthday boys and girls. Amanda, Jim, Sonny, & Georgeanne all had their birthdays celebrated this week. For the festivity, the highly talented Jessica baked and decorated two of the most amazing birthday cakes in commemoration of the origins of these four wonderful and lovely people

Crazy hands of note:

Very first hand of game on my table, Keith and Brayan clashed, getting it all-in preflop. AA vs KK leading to Brayan rebuying.

Very next hand; Keith rivered a boat, sinking David D’s turned straight; and sending him to rebuying.

The third hand, Keith folded and the whole table collectively sighed in relief.

Later in the tournament, KhJc raised; short stack Qh5s went all-in; KK raised all-in; 77 called all-in; and the KhJc called and had all covered. They saw a flop of 7h3h2h. Ah came on the turn. And 8h fell on the river completing a triple KO

Lastly, Tom, Bufflap, and Jonny, with a massive chip lead, battled three handed. With blinds at 10k/20k/20k and Tom in the small blind with only 5k behind decides to fold to Jonny’s big blind. Next hand he folds his button and Jonny raise and takes Steve’s big blind; setting up the crazy part. Tom posts the lite ante (5k instead of 20k). Jonny calls from the button; Steve goes all-in (about 60k total); Jonny calls with 6T suited. Steve raised with A8. Tom tables Q5. Flop was 6xx. Turn was a blank. River was a Q. Tom won back his whopping 5k ante while Jonny eliminated Steve. Tom then tried to channel his inner David verses Jonny’s Goliath; his single chip and a chair verses all the chips in play sans one. It was a valiant attempt, stretching out some six or seven hands; but Tom couldn’t overcome and fell to the overwhelming odds