Membership has it's Privileges

By Gary Lance | Jun 19, 2023 2:03 PM

The winner of this week’s 6 Paupers game was Tom Member’s Only Kerstan who overcame a 4-to-1 chip deficit to defeat Badass Becca Averall in heads-up play. Strategic pressure and winning the right coin-flips was his recipe to success. Congrats, Tom.

One crazy hand that had the room in uproar. Mark Third-Degree Burns got it all-in with weekly nemesis Tee-Bone Christopher with Sonny Delight Cieslak joining in the festivities. Pre-flop, all players were all in and they hands exposed: TsTc (Mark), AdQc (Tee), and 2s2d (Sonny). Flop falls JdTh5s and the table yells out a collective, “Oh!”. A few onlookers gather to see the turn bring the Kd, making Tee his straight. Everyone, again, yells in excitement, drawing in even more onlookers. Lost in this, poor Sonny is drawing dead. In anticipation of the river, someone says, “wait for it”. The river is dealt and it is the Kc, giving Mark the win. The room erupts. Tee shares his feeling with Mark. Sonny just smiles waiting for the next hand.

Also of note, Gutshot Gary scratched off quad kings on the scratch-off card he won at LoHo earlier in the week. So, a seat in Nationals is now in his future. Remember, Quads gets you a seat to Nationals; a straight flush gets you the seat and $200; and a royal gets you the seat and $1,000.

Lastly, we have two remaining games in the Spring Quarter. It’s truly anyone’s game. Rex, Mark, Gary, and Matt are currently the top four, but a win by over a dozen remaining players will easily move up into any of these spots. Good luck and see y’all on the felt.