DAY 4: Ten Days of Giveaways

PRIZE: $150 Buy-in to Step In The Ring QUALIFIER #1 (Thurs May 28th 6pm)
Note, eligible players for drawing be active in the current season (Winter 2024) and have 100% complete profile at the time of the drawing (verified contacts, mailing address, tshirt size, profile pic, and opt-in status for receiving emails from the league)
Attempt #1: Amy McCraken - no tshirt, email not verified
Attempt #2: Keith Garr - no address
Attempt #3: Greg H - not verified/created by Host
Attempt #4: Jesse Gillman - not verified/created by Host
Attempt #5: William Liebsch - no address
Attempt #6: Timothy Bjur - email not verified/no profile pic
Attempt #7: Bart Seaburg **WINNER!! 100% COMPLETE PROFILE"
Congratulations Bart!!
Bart plays at Southgate in Grand Forks, ND, and has qualified twice for the Southgate TOC.
Thanks for playing Bart, you have a $150 FNP Step In The Ring Qualifer #1 see you in Vegas! Step In the Ring National Championship Series May 28th thru May 31st at the Golden Nugget (Grand Ballroom).
Tomorrow's prize: FPN Hoodie and T-Shirt