Battle of Bellfonte

By Gary Lance | May 09, 2023 1:17 PM

Gutshot Gary won his second game of the Spring Quarter by taking down Roger The Rounder Senigo in heads-up play. Before reaching this conclusion, Gutshot Gary had several decisive clashes with Morgan The Gambler Lightcap.

The first hand took place at the start of the final table. Blinds were 100/200, 200 BBA and both players were deep stacked. Gary open limped, Morgan bet 600 from BB, and Gary called. Both players see a flop of J92. Morgan bets 600 and Gary calls. Turn was a Q. Morgan bets 1000 and Gary calls. River was a 5 (third diamond on the board) and Morgan bets 2200. Gary calls. Morgan dejectedly says, “it’s yours” and turns over T2. Gary flips over 97. Matt Shrinky-Dink Darron proclaims, “That, ladies and gentlemen, is a soul read”.

The second hand, with blinds at 1500/3000, 3000 BBA, four players remaining. Roger The Rounder folds; Morgan The Gambler bets 10k; Rollercoaster Rachel shoves for 20k; Gutshot Gary over shoves for 20.5k; and Morgan, as chip leader, calls. Gary flips over AA, Morgan KK, and Rachel KQ. Rachel hits a pair on a QJ4 flop. But with a turn of 7 and river of 8, Gary triples up, takes the chip lead, and eliminates the lovely Rachel in 4th place.

The third, and final, clash between these two players came shortly after the last hand. Roger folded from the button, Morgan limped in from SB, Gary bet 10k from BB, and Morgan called. Flop was Q87. Morgan checked, Gary bet 10k, and Morgan called. At this point, both players locked eyes and stared the other down as if in a scene from an old Western shot out film. Rachel, who assumed the role of dealing, placed down the turn; but neither player broke their gaze into the other’s soul as they both checked. As the river was dealt, Morgan finally broke his fixed stare to see what the last two cards for just a microsecond. He proceeded to bet 10k into the pot. Gary looked to see an 8 and a K, unsure of which street they fell. He grabbed his entire stack and forcibly hammered it in front of him like a judge’s gavel. Morgan considered this a moment and called. Gary flipped over A8 for trips and Morgan told Gary that he sucks (which Gary agreed).

Heads-up play was extremely lopsided. Gary had roughly 90 to 95% of the chips in play. In addition, Roger was completely card dead. Gary bet every hand, revealing suited Kx or Ax hands to Roger’s 62, 84, etc. Final hand, Roger was down to his last 30k and in the big blind (10k + BBA). Gary shoved 76 suited and Roger called with 42 in ATC mode. Gary flopped the 7 and it was all over after five hands.