Stevo Wins, Matt Rises to Top

By Gary Lance | Mar 27, 2023 2:48 PM

With the endgame in sight, the action was fast and furious in Thursday’s play. Stevo The Mad Trapper Ruble faced off against Mark Third-Degree Burns in a brief but thrilling heads-up battle. Stevo pulled off his first ever FPN win in only his second ever game. Congrats Stevo.

One theme of the evening could be summed up as Family Feud. And no, I’m not your host, Steve Harvey. Anyway, our first skirmish involved an incident of parental abuse when Cool Hand Luc Ciaranca took on Tony Sriracha Ciaranca and Tee-Bone Christopher in a three-way all-in. Luc’s AJo vs Tee’s A2d vs Tony’s KK. All was good for Tony with a 10 high flop devoid of diamonds. Then a Q on the river set off Tony’s Spidey-Sense that the outs to his pending doom just doubled. The K on the river sealed his fate as Luc tripled up, Tony was crippled, and Tee suffered but a mere flesh wound.

In final table action, our second domestic duel involved lovebirds Samantha Dancing Deuces and Jim Pinball Wizard Perugini. Jim got it all-in with pocket 10’s. Sam slowly unleashed a satisfying grin and in total Mortal Kombat fashion proclaimed, “It’s all over for you!” as she flipped over pocket KK’s. The runout was clean for the Kings and she said, “That’s what you get for bluffing me earlier, Beiotch!”. Earlier, Jim was moved to balance tables and had got involved in a hand where he sweettalked Sam into folding a made hand to his flat out bluff.

Next week is the conclusion of the Winter Quarter. Tie-Dye Matt has grabbed the lead. Half-dozen or so players are in contention for first place and the seat to Vegas (pending the size of turnout). Nearly 20 players are still alive for a seat in this year’s States (finishing in the top 10% of the quarter, top four spots based off our average attendance). We should be in store for an exciting conclusion on the 30th.